Henry Matthews - Project Number 5

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Project Number 5 is a sustainable clothing and skate shop located in Fargo Village, aiming to tackle fast-fashion while promoting skateboarding and creativity through self-expression.

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 “After I graduated Coventry University I saw an opportunity to use my degree and combine it with my passion for skateboarding and vintage clothes to create Project Number 5. Fusing it with the hub of entrepreneurship that is Fargo Village it seemed like a perfect idea.” - says Henry about his new venture.

Henry studied Entrepreneurship and has experience setting up a range of businesses in the past, starting his journey at the age of 16 when he pitched his idea to Peter Jones and his team. Henry has been awarded in Apil 2021 within the ‘Try-It Fund’ programme funded by Santander Universities for continuing his venture with Project Number 5.

“I cannot wait to see what the future holds.” - Henry Matthews